
Recommendation Systems: Technologies, challenges and markets
Recommendation systems, that display similar products to the viewer, have played an important part in adding to the bottomline of the ecommerce as well as media compaies. Amazon generates as much as 30% of its revenue via recommendation engines. Netflix, Facebook and Ebay are among other companies that have successfully used such engines to add to their revenue.

This report looks at the state of the art of recommendation systems and analyzes the technology trends. A brief overview of shallow and deep techniques used for recommendation engine is provided along with usage in top companies. The report then provides the business opportunities around such engines and overview of key vendors. The report also provides details of production usage by some of the key companies such as Facebook, Netflix. The report also analyzes challenges in software as well as hardware perspective in taking such products to market. The report provides market forecast from 2019 to 2025 for the software and hardware product.

Availability: September 2020

AI Chipsets in Sub 1W Power Envelope: Opportunities, technologies and challenges
The need for hardware acceleration for AI applications is widely recognized and a large number of ocompanies have appeared in recent years. Sub 1W market for AI chipsets, that deals with accelration on edge and IoT, is still relavitely unexplored and presents many opportunities. This reports provides details on vendors, chipsets, use cases and applications for such chipsets. The report also talks about business and technology challenges faced by vendors. A market forecast from 2019 to 2025 for such chipsets is also provided.

Availability: Now. Please contact with additional questions.

MLOPS: Platforms, business and market

The field of Machine Learning OPerations has emerged in the past two years that deals with model lifecycl management. The Neural network models inherently need data for training and maintenance as real world situation is constantly changing. The MLOPS industry provides tools and technology to manage these models.

This report outlines challenges in model lifecycle management and how they are addressed by MLOPS. AN overview of range or products available along with vendors is provided. THe report also talks about business models and lists companies in this space. The report provides market forecast till 2025 for different MLOPS products.

Availability: August 2020